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modern sales leadership team reviewing their seller's performance using richardson's sales analytics solutions

Sales Analytics

Scientifically track and measure your team’s sales performance improvement with advanced analytics that make data useful, provide actionable reporting, and prove ROI.

Make your progress more visible with data, measurement and analytics that connect to drive and show bottom line results.

Richardson’s sales analytics solutions collect key points of data and translate them into customized dashboards and reports to make that data actionable. Each solution we deliver gives you insight into the critical moments in your team’s learning journey. They tell you what your team is learning and how their skills are progressing, how new skills are being practically applied in the flow of work, where there are opportunities for ongoing coaching, and how these changes are impacting your bottom line.

Sales Analytics Solutions

Click the links below to learn more about each of our sales analytics solutions.

sales training content
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Learn more about Richardson's performance dashboards that make measuring your team's progress more visible at every step of their learning journey.

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Be sure your team gets the results you need by using a reliable method to measure the true impact of your investment in sales training. Richardson uses data and analytics you can trust to accurately measure success over time.

a puzzle-type piece graphic showing the three pillars or components that make up a sales training solution.  The 3 puzzle pieces are; more adaptable content, more useful technology, and more visible progress.

Click the links below to explore more.

More adaptable content.

Get content that builds agility and develops a wider range of capabilities that your reps can use today, tomorrow, or in 10 years.

More useful technology

Get a platform that delivers short-bursts, video-enriched digital assets integrated with your CRM to help reps get better deal by deal.

More visible progress

Get helpful metrics connected with your systems so you can see in real-time how your reps are impacting business outcomes.

How do you make real change happen for your sales team?

Resources You Might Be Interested In

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Brief: Perfecting the Virtual Discovery Call

Download the brief to discover three powerful skills that will help you execute perfect discovery calls with every client, every time.


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How to Avoid Common Mistakes Made in Virtual Selling

Discover the common mistakes made in virtual selling and find out how to avoid making these on your next virtual sales call.


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eBook: Building a Consistent Sales Process

Building a consistent sales process is a catalyst for effective behaviour change. Learn to make your sales process part of your revenue generation engine.
